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Global Attack stats for SafiyVefs
Total Attacks on others 0
Total Attacks on others using 15 turns 0
Total gold raided from others 0
Total turns used 0
Average gold raid per 15 attack turns 0
Total soldiers loses attacking 0
Total soldiers killed on others attacking 0
Total Bloodjewels raided by SafiyVefs using Helldragon 0
Total Bank Gold raided by SafiyVefs using Cerberus 0
Total Helltargets raids 0
Total gold raided from helltargets 0
Total officers using Snake King 0
Total Spies killed by summoning Megalicker 0
Total Monster Hunters killed by summoning OmegaInferno 0
Attack Gold stolen average of last 5 won attacks 0
Spell Attack Gold stolen average last 5 won attacks 0
Total Hellswords and adamantium armors destroyed 0
Gold damage from destroyed weapons 0
Global Defence stats for SafiyVefs
Total Attacks against SafiyVefs 5
Total Attacks against SafiyVefs using 15 turns 5
Total gold raided from SafiyVefs 9,971,738,790
Total turns used against SafiyVefs 75
Average gold raid per 15 attack turns against SafiyVefs 1,994,347,758
Total soldiers killed from the attackers 0
Total soldiers loses defending 199
Total Bloodjewels raided by Helldragon against SafiyVefs 0
Total Bank Gold raided by Cerberus against SafiyVefs 0
Total Helltargets raids 5
Total gold raided from helltargets 9,971,738,790
Total Snake summons against SafiyVefs 1
Total Spies killed by Megalicker 0
Total Monster Hunters killed by OmegaInferno 0
Total Hellswords and adamantium armors destroyed 0
Gold damage from destroyed weapons 0